Thursday, February 2, 2012

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Toys Return!

It's official, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have returned to the collectible community with the release of new images for the upcoming wave from Playmates.

This is ofcourse, in line with the release of the Nickelodeon series.
And yes, i'm still a big fan of Raphael even though this particular has become a "rogue"...

The return is all part of the master plan to inject new interest for the ninja turtles not just in terms of toys but for the franchise in general. 

I'm actually excited for this since there are a lot of great looking figures for this line. Mostly interested in restarting my lost Raphael collection and even musing over the possibility of getting the new and improved Party van (now called Shellraiser) as well as some other neat stuff related to the TMNT.

So without further ado, the new and improved Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

There's another wave of figures that looks "great" but not as much as the toys featured above. Its called "Deluxe Power Sound FX Figures". The difference between the two? The first guys look bad-ass with the absence of eyeballs, the second wave looks, a lot less ferocious. it's as if the turtles on the second wave look like they were defanged. 

Plus if you'd be so kind to check the photo for Leonardo, you'd see what look likes a spring to add, probably, additional articulation for the toys.

See, I told you they had springs in their armpits.

For the vehicles on the other hand, Playmates manages to reinvent classic stuff such as the Party Van which, as mentioned earlier, is now called the "Shellraiser".

Raphael fans should also shout "Hooray" thanks to the announcement that there will be a Raphael-centric vehicle called the "Ninja Stealth Bike" and its complete with its own Raphael figure. 

this is what the vehicle would look like in closed form with the exclusive figure inside. This on the other hand is what it would look like, with the cover opened...

Pretty cool huh?

Source: MTV Geek

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