Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Batman and Robin # 0 Made Me Realize Something

Batman and Robin # 0 made me realize that it's already been six years since the first story arc/ appearance of Damien Wayne.

I'm going to come clean. At first I never did like the guy. That was because at that time, Tim Drake was pretty amazing as Robin. He is after all the defacto leader of the Teen Titans around that time and he was pretty smart to boot.

2006 was pretty phenomenal in hind sight. Grant Morrison stepped up as the official Batman writer and his stories were downright exciting. During this time I've already dropped the Batman books but seeing how I'm a big fan of the Kubert brothers it was impossible not to get this back.

So there I was practically reading my butt off through at least two issues when this scene occurs towards the end...

Yeah Batman and Son was pretty intense. It also showed us a very different Robin; a Robin who doesn't mind chopping off people's heads just to please his father and show his skills at taking down criminals.

The Zero issue reminded fans of who Damian Wayne is. A creature born to perfection from the genetic material of the world's greatest detective and the daughter of the most notorious eco-terrorist (who is apparently dead again at the hands of Talia Al Ghul in Batman Incorporated).

So we flash forward to six years later (2012) and here we are at the point where Damian's pretty much done everything his predecessors have already done. He's taken on a lot the Batman's rogues including near-fatal fight with The Joker...

To joining the Teen Titans to becoming a full fledged sidekick for Batman. With his New 52 appearance he's also managed to kick the snot at some crooks and kill the son of Batman's former mentor in France.

And then everything comes back full circle when I read Batman and Robin # 0 and found this in the last page...

I also have to add that Patrick Gleason's art for this book is definitely a great eye candy. I mean it's not perfect but there's something about the way he draws characters from Green Lantern's Guy Gardner to stuff here on this book. I can't quite place it yet but I can say that it's on the top of my list.

Oh and yeah before my thoughts leave me for something else entirely I have to give my applause to DC for bringing in this kid. He's a character that's troubled and flawed but those are the same qualities that makes him such an interesting foil for Batman. If it weren't for Batman and Son I wouldn't have picked up this title again and enjoyed every bit of intriguing dialogues.

Batman and Robin # 0 is now. I got mine from Comicx Hub!

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