Saturday, December 1, 2012

Rise of the Guardians Movie Review

With Christmas fast approaching, Solar-UIP is proud to release their newest offering, "Rise of the Guardians" which features the voices of Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Jude Law, Isla Fisher and Hugh Jackman

I'm really impressed with the quality that was placed in this film. Not only do they spin a pretty damn nice story about these classic characters but they also provide a "re-introduction" of sorts for the kids who are unfamiliar with these guys. 

So what's this all about. Well the short of this is that these legendary characters (who also happen to be the personification of some kid's concepts) band together in order to fight the rising threat of one of their peers. The balance however lies with the outsider Jack Frost who is thrust in this war. 

The way I see it, "Rise of the Guardians" is the dreamworks version of "The Avengers" which is actually a good thing.

The Good:

- I love the character designs for the characters. Jack Frost with his pre-teen look together with his icy cool staff was a nice treat, very simplistic and very stylish at the same time. 

- The story is pretty simple and straightforward which is a really great thing. Imagine seeing this tale then having to deal with a convoluted backstory, that's just too much. Good call on making this a tale of wonder and belief. 

- The visuals on this film are pretty sick. from the mad dash and chase that the Guardians do around the time that Pitch was making his move to those funky sand dinosaurs and unicorns. It's a not only a movie that has a good hook but it's also a visually appealing film. 

- While there's not a lot of humorous moments in this movie, you will definitely laugh at some of the great character moments. 

- The actual theme about believing things like Santa Claus is also touched which is especially rare. I guess this was the central theme to this film. It's about believing in things like Santa and the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny and the Sandman isn't bad, nor should you laugh at others who think that way. 

- Another breakout star here is Hugh Jackman's Bunny (which is obviously the Easter Bunny). Yeah but to spice things up, Jackman's Bunny really does look and feel more like a kangaroo. He's a huge guy with a distinguisable Aussie accent and lots of spunk. Plus it doesn't get more Australian than boomerangs which Bunny fondly uses throughout the movie. 

The Bad

- Some parts tend to have a slower pace, which would be okay if not for more slower pacing and much talking. This was supposed to be a kiddie action movie so more flying boomerangs and ice please. 

- The concept of death was pretty detailed here. Maybe I'm doing an old man rant but couldn't Pitch just kidnap Sandy rather than shooting him behind his back with a nightmare arrow. Are we really sure we want our kids to cringe? Or maybe they've already become desensitized to these sorts of random act of violence. Maybe. 

- It was short. Damn. That's my biggest problem with Rise of the Guardians. It was too short for me. Pam and I left the theater feeling a bit sad because it was short. Hopefully there's a room for a sequel on this one. 


"Rise of the Guardians" is one movie that you shouldn't miss. It's a nice tale of friendship and wonderment for the whole family. 

Special thanks to Solar-UIP

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