Thursday, January 17, 2013

All New X-Men # 6 Spoilers

Major spoilers for All New X-Men # 6 Spoilers by Brian Michael Bendis and David Marquez.

In this issue, the three main characters are Jean Grey, Cyclops and Angel. More importantly there's an encounter in this issue between Cyclops and Wolverine and Angel versus his younger self. 

Read more after the cut. 
So the first half of the book deals with Jean Grey and how she's coping with her newfound telepathy. Kitty Pryde helps her out as well as Storm. Meanwhile Scott Summers leaves the school grounds in order to clear his head. Wolverine follows suit and he finally catches up on the young mutant leader in a bookstore. 

Wolverine gets suckered punch by the fledgling Cyclops with an optic blast. 

When Wolverine recovers, Cyclops is already far, far away. Back at Xavier's the young Warren Worthington III finally meets his future self, the clean slated Angel. 

The two Angels discuss about their life and how each other is coping. The older Warren believes the younger Warren and they decide to fly. 

Things end in a rather ominous tone as Mystique finally reveals herself and calls in for reinforcements, which we should assume would be the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. 

I salute Bendis on his work here. Why didn't he write the X-Men before? Also, Marquez definitely got his A-Game for this issue. Hopefully he sticks around for more drama as he's a good backup to regular All New X-Men artist Stuart Immonen

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