Monday, January 28, 2013

Avenging Spider-Man # 16 Spoilers - Superior Spider-Man Kicks Wolverine's Ass

Yes you read the title. It seems like Superior Spider-Man is waay better than Peter Parker in the way he handles fellow Avenger Wolverine as we'll see in "Avenging Spider-Man # 16" by Chris Yost and Paco Medina.

In this issue: A giant spider mutant wreaks havoc in NYC. Superior Otto-Spidey swings by to save the city and gets additional help from the X-Men. 

Superior Spidey uses his intelligence to put down the rampaging spider and is later confronted by Wolverine. The following is what happened during the encounter.

I know I'm not supposed to cheer for this abberation but c'mon admit it, Wolverine's being a complete dick ever since "AvX" and nobody's been able to really slap him a bit. Jolly good show Otto Octavius.

Also as a bit of a bonus we get to see who's really responsible for this mess. 

Don't forget to grab your copy of Avenging Spider-Man # 16 from your LCS.

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