Friday, January 25, 2013

Gangster Squad Review

Reviewing "Gangster Squad" from Village Roadshow and Warner Bros. Pictures starring Josh Brolin, Sean Penn, Nick Nolte, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone.

The film follows the life of a clandestine group of cops led by Sgt. John O'Mara tasked with taking down mobster Mickey Cohen. The problem that's presented throughout the film is that Penn's Cohen is practically untouchable. Think of the corruption presented in Batman Begins only that it's personified. 

The movie is all out action with a couple of gory seasons. At first it might not be your cup of tea but give it a few moments and you'll see that you're in for a good cinematic treat. I know I had fun during the screening. 

Three elements make the film such a good watch. First is the non-stop gun battles scattered throughout the film. Hey they even managed to squeeze in an a good car chase somewhere in the middle. The knock-out drag down brawls are great here. The climatic fist fight between O'Mara and Mickey Cohen is something that will keep you at the edge of your seat especially since we've seen how menacing and terrifying Penn's Cohen is.

 The other element that I found really interesting in "Gangster Squad" is Emma Stone. Sure there are bashers here and there but I'm a big fanboy of Emma Stone. She totally looked hot in this movie and while she's playing Mickey Cohen's girlfriend Grace, she has some on-screen chemistry with Ryan Gosling (whom she worked with in the past in the film "Crazy, Stupid Love".)

This dame is definitely beautiful. Hands down there's nothing more I can say. Oh wait, yeah, she should definitely hookup with Ryan Gosling. Ditch Andrew Garfield and make go out with Gosling. Mwahahahaha. I can definitely hear one fanboyseo reader going "f**k you Earl!"

 Gosling's pretty cool and suave here. His slickness and charm is what's obviously missing from the gangsters under Cohen's employ. My only problem here with Gosling's acting is that it's still pretty pathetic when it comes to dramatic moments. There's the scene where he figures in a street drive by and without spoiling the scene, he tries to cry. TRIES. Gosling tries and really fails when it comes to sob scenes. 

Third reason why you should catch "Gangster Squad" is because of the engaging drama. You don't need to know how Cohen figures in the actual history of the Los Angeles crime scene to appreciate the story. Nor is it a requisite to actually know details about life in post-WW2 America. All you have to do is sit down and get ready with your popcorn and your all set.

Don't let a rather dry and dull trailer fool you. Gangster Squad is as angas as some of the more contemporary gangster films. MTRCB has given the film an R-13 so pre-teens are allowed just get them ready for the violence. The movie opens January 30 from Warner Bros. Pictures.

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