Thursday, January 31, 2013

New Details for DC Comics 'WTF' Books reports that the next gimmick for DC Comics is a month which will feature gatefold covers for all the New 52 titles. It had the initial codename of 'HOLY SHIT' before it moved on to this:

so yeah. What's more interesting here are some of the plot points that were divulged.

• Booster Gold reappears while an entire team disappears
• One team is trapped in a bottle while another is changed completely
• Some heroes change their colors and other change allegiances
• Pandora battles to the death
• A close encounter of The Dark Knight kind
• There’s a new, old Creeper and some old New Gods.
• One hero quits, and another hero dies

Rumor has it that Brett Booth will be leaving "Teen Titans" in order to work on Nightwing. Incidentally the issue where Booth's art was present also featured a gatefold which seems very 'creepy'.

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