Monday, March 4, 2013

Jack the Giant Slayer Review

Here's my review for Bryan Singer's Jack the Giant Slayer starring Nicholas Hoult, Ewan McGregor, Ian McShane and Eleanor Tomlinson. The film is locally distrubuted by Warner Bros. Pictures Philippines and is now showing in all cinemas.

Yet again we are treated to another 'modern retelling' of classic fairy tales using big name stars, over-the-top VFX and quirk dialogue. We've already seen this in "Snow White and the Huntsman", "Hansel and Gretel Witch Hunters" and a host of other similar stuff. This movie however plays with the mythology and does so admittedly unlike the other two which really tried it's very best to do serious stuff.

Bryan Singer's movie is what I consider another pop-corn muncher. It's not going to impart any knowledge nor would it be something that will revolutionize cinema. It's simply there to celebrate the glory of the advancement of cinematic movie-making technology. 

So what's the story all about? Jack the Giant Slayer is all about the adventure of the farmboy Jack played by Hoult who's life is forever changed upon his encounter with a monk who gives him magical beans. It's further complicated when the princess that he saves earlier steps on his front door the moment the magic bean decides to grow and become this huge stalk leading to the mysterious "Gantuar".

The movie is enjoyable I'll you that. There's over the top special effects. The giants particularly the five main giants are pretty scary with Fallon who takes the cake as being the most downright weirdest. Honestly speaking the best character or the most endearing character in the film isn't Jack nor the Princess Isabel. It's actually Ewan McGregor's role as the knight/guardian character Sir Elmont that's truly great. Oh and props to Ian McShane as well for being a scary royalty character here. I had such high hopes for the movie in general but aside from what we've seen in the trailer, there's nothing to really speak about. 

Don't get me wrong, I liked the movie it's really more of, I've seen everything they offer and the film didn't bring anything new to the table. Still bring your kids or your wife or just bring the whole family. Also to fully enjoy the movie, I suggest you catch the film on SM IMAX. 

Two more things here. One is that while watching the film, I couldn't but think that film-making is really now ready to do an adaptation of the hit Sony game "Shadow of the Colossus". Secondly the moment Ewan McGregor says that he's got a bad feeling about being where they are, you'll suddenly get a Star Wars rush in your blood. 

Jack the Giant Slayer is now showing in theaters everywhere. Special thanks once again to Warner Bros Pictures Philippines.

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