Monday, March 11, 2013

New Avengers Annual # 1 Shows How Badass the Iron Legion is

Seen the second trailer for Iron Man 3 with Tony Stark and Jim Rhodes (played by Robert Downey Jr. and Don Cheadle respectively)? Awesome right? Too bad we have to wait till April 25 to see Iron Man 3. To whet your appetite for the so-called Iron Legion, here's some scans from the now hard-to-find New Avengers Annual  #1.

In this tale written by Brian Michael Bendis and Olivier Coipel, we get a glimpse of the New Avengers during a down time.


Luke Cage and Jessica Jones at this point isn't married yet. They will be, however, at the end of the issue. Just right after the team fights off the attack of the vengeance seeking Yelena Belova, who also happens to be the second Black Widow. At this point in continuity, the New Avengers have just begun operating and foiled a conspiracy in the Savage Land. Poor, poor Yelena however is burned by Sauron during the encounter with the Avengers. Later, HYDRA offers to graft Super Adaptoid technology into her to get even with Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

Yelena's managed to defeat the team's heavy hitter, The Sentry, by absorbing his powers...


Spider-Man uses his big brain to give Iron Man an idea on how to effectively stop the rampaging Belova...


Stark leaves the battle for a bit and makes a heroic return...


... together with the rest of the armors in his armory...


That's not even the coolest bit, as we find out that the billionaire playboy philantrophist is nowhere in the battlefield but is actually in the comfort of the Avengers Tower controlling the movements and the actions of each and every armor with the help of the Extremis virus in his system.


I also want to point out that Tony Stark here in this particular scene looks so much similar to the Tony Stark we're seeing in the trailer (during the parts where he's testing out the new armor, with the said armor shooting straight towards his hand).


Of course, I'm not going to spoil anything more than what I already know, but it does not end well for Belova. On a lighter note, the team later celebrates the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Luke Cage.


The team even goes and get their picture taken, which is pretty, pretty sad. Sense of nostalgia and all that.


If anybody ever encounters this issue, don't go and think, just bloody the issue.

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