Thursday, April 4, 2013

Green Lantern # 19 Spoilers

There's a big 'kill off' here in this issue of Green Lantern which is not getting press time. Oh and there's also lots of deaths in this issue and a return to old school for another character. Let's all thank Geoff Johns, Ardian Syaf and Syzmon Kudranski from DC Comics

As always, spoiler alert.

Sinestro managed to escape from his dark prison and the first thing he does is reach out to Korugar, him homeworld. There he hooks up with his former partner, Arsona, who aids the baddie in preparing for battle against the first Lantern, Volthoom. Sadly, Volthoom beats Sinestro to the punch by appearing before him...

Johns does his classic retcon here by revealing that this Arsona was actually more than just a partner for Sinestro. She was actually his first love but then he met Abin Sur's sister Arin and they got married, jilting Arsona. 

(There's something about Ardian Syaf's art that reminds me of the classic works of Andy Kubert and Adam Kubert. I also like colors that's been done on this issue.)

In the battle that occurs between Sinestro and Volthoom, we witness first hand how powerful the First Lantern is, he's strong enough to destroy Korugar with just a thought. 

You'll kinda feel sad for Sinestro for whats happened but it's kinda his fault as well (okay not really). It's still a pretty sad thing to see your girlfriend, whom moments ago hooked up again with you, suddenly turn to ash in front of you. While it's cheap death, it's still a death that will move Sinestro character once more. He's become kinda boring as a Green Lantern anyway. 

Hopefully he can now relate to what John Stewart went through when he witnessed the destruction of Xanshi. Maybe they can even be friends. 

Back in Black Lantern world Tomar and Hal look on as the dead pour into their realm. Tomar realizes who the dead are and states the obvious.

This makes Hal Jordan go through with his decision of 'killing' himself in the world of the dead. 

Towards the end, Hal Jordan is seen lying in a pool of his own blood at the bottom of the cliff while Sinestro floats unconscious in space...

This page I totally dig. There's just so much win here. There's the contrast in the art styles for Hal Jordan and Sinestro and then there's also the color pallette used. Heck even the captions for Sinestro is dynamic in the sense that we can see the subtle shift from Green to Yellow, which is a foreshadowing to what happens next...

Where in the world did that Sinestro Corp Yellow lantern come from? Don't you think it's convenient that it just turned up like that. 

VERDICT: 7.5 out of 10

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