Saturday, May 11, 2013

Batman and Red Hood # 20 Spoilers ~ Batman is an Asshole

Batman shows his asshole side once again in this issue of Batman and Robin Batman and Red Hood # 20.

Once again spoilers after the cut...

Batman gets confronted by the New 52 version of Carrie Kelly who is still looking for Damian Wayne. Before she leaves Alfred offers her a job as Titus' (the dog) caretaker. Meanwhile Batman teams up with Jason Todd aka Red Hood to hunt down a team of snipers who were there when Damian died. 

You'll have to remember that the Jason Todd and Bruce Wayne recently patched things up so they're all chummy again.

After taking down the encampment (that was in Ethiopia by the way), Bats and Red Hood take a quick detour to a very familiar ruins...

My god Batman you are such an asshole.

I suddenly hate Batman due to these pages...

Tsk, it was such a great team-up. Fuck you Batman.

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