Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fables # 128 Spoilers

I'm really shocked at what happened in Vertigo's FABLES # 128. Damn. Bummed out by this.

Well let's just jump into what's bummed me after after the break. Also, this issue is once again brought to us by Bill Willingham and Mark Buckingham. 

So apparently Snow White's first husband Prince Brandish is finally going all out with a duel with Snow's current husband (and father of her seven kids) Bigby Wolf. And Bigby doesn't go out with is Wolverine-esque form, he goes full-on wolf form to take on this bastard. 
Unfortunately for him, Brandish is a pretty quick feller. The latter lands what I assume is the killing blow:

Bigby's wife Snow White together with her twin sister Rose Red witness everything and Snow gives us another shining moment of awesome in the final panel of the issue:

Ice cold. Definitely ice cold.

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