Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Nicolas Hoult and Hugh Jackman in the Set of X-Men Days of Future Past

Bryan Singer tweets this photo from the set of X-Men Days of Future Past featuring a non-hairy feline Beast/ Hank McCoy (Nicolas Hoult) together with Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). 

Singer's tweet includes the date 1973 which is probably why they look like they just stepped out of the set of 'That 70's Show". I'm excited for this film but I'm also worried about some continuity conundrums that has already been shown in the movie. This one for example shows a non-beastly McCoy which wasn't the case anymore at the end of X-Men First Class where he's already mutated to the catlike Beast we know. Maybe Singer has the answers locked away so if that's the case we'll have to wait until July 2014 for the answers.

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