Saturday, May 11, 2013

Who's Helping Captain America in Uncanny Avengers # 8 (Spoilers)

What's going on in the pages of Uncanny Avengers # 8 by Rick Remender and Daniel Acuña from Marvel Comics.

Spoilers after the cut...

Uncanny Avengers # 7 ends with Thor getting ready for the debris that's about to fall down the skies of Rio. This issue, Thor manages to shatter it in half with the smaller half still set on killing thousands. Luckily Sunfire appears and burns the ship to smithereens. 

Let's consider this the first real teamup between the two heroes, which is also cool as they're on top of the game in terms of power set. Oh but then again they get kidnapped by the Apocalypse Twins.

Meanwhile Captain America's escape pod is finally shown and it lands in Sudan, much to Steve's dismay...

Captain America manages to escape capture and finds shelter in an old factory. It's also here where he encounters this weird little contraption.

So could this person be and why is it that it seems to know more than what it wants to tell. Here's to betting that this is actually Kang the Conqueror in disguise or working from a secret place in the future. 

Meanwhile Wolverine and Rogue make a deal between the two with Rogue promising to play nice while Wolverine letting her in on his little secret after their mission. The Wasp is acting all bitchy and what not while their en route to The twins' secret location. 

The parts for Thor and Sunfire after their 'kidnapping' was kinda wordy so I decided not to put it in. The gist is that the Twins expose the errors for Wolverine (Uncanny X-Force; Dark Angel Saga) and Thor (enchanting Jarnbjorn to be a celestial killing axe). They then proceed to kill the former mutant Akkabba slaves gathered around them just because they are human. 

It's another great character moment to showcase Eimin's power. Previously within the issue we also learn just how brutal it can be to grow up in Kang's 'care' as we also find out that Eimin's eyes were pulled out and were given completely different sense. 

So while Thor and Sunfire are trapped inside and Havok and the rest of the 'Uncanny' Avengers nearing the frozen encampment, the Apocalypse Twins detonate the damn place...

Verdict: 8/10

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