Thursday, September 12, 2013


Quick review for BATMAN AND ROBIN # 23.2 featuring the Court of Owls by James Tynion IV and Jorge Lucas.

The Court is back or rather retreating in the midst of the chaos that the Crime Syndicate has unleashed in FOREVER EVIL. This issue stands as both a way to introduce us to follow the Court of Owls and at the same time show us their dark and sordid history. 

In this issue we find out how they take out their enemies, how they effectively coerce their pawns and shows us how deep the relationship is between the Court and their Talons. Tynion writes some grim and gritty scenery splattered throughout the book and raises reader curiosity. 

But while the art works fine in this tale of tragedy and resilience it still rubs us as a bad version of Howard Chaykin. Now don't get me wrong, I'm sure Mr. Lucas can do great stuff given a happier mood but the pairing of the story with the artist just went too far for. Too perfect in fact, that it started to look weird. Not bad, just weird. 

There's also the opening pages which harkens back to the good old classic suspense/ horror movies of old where the characters turn around and the killer is already behind them, draped in darkness and ready to kill for whatever nefarious reasons. Tynion IV excelled in those particular scenes, heck the little kid reciting the Court's classic poem added more 'creep' factor IMHO.

Reader/ buyer beware as there's just a lot of bloodletting in this issue. Just letting you know. 

The premise was concise and clear and shock of the climax for this issue proves us that just because the members of the Court of Owls are mere mortals and rich people wearing creepy masks; they also have the penchant to murder and maim when the chance presents itself. Finally the mystery behind "the first Talon" is definitely something I want to get back too especially since I think TALON is such an underrated Bat-book. 

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