Thursday, September 12, 2013


So it's finally here, the controversial issue featuring the emo-looking Lobo with the cover featuring the fan-favorite Lobo. So what gives?

"Deep in the dark corridors of space lives a black-hearted being of unimaginable power. He’s witnessed horrors beyond description and committed unparalleled evils. In all of history, no being has ever been capable of as much chaos and terror as this lone individual. This is the story of the man called Lobo. He’s coming. And he’s bringing all of hell with him."

Written by: Marguerite Bennett
Art by: Ben Oliver
Cover by: Aaron Kuder
Color/B&W: Color
Page Count: 32
U.S. Price: 3.99
On Sale Date: Sep 11 2013

In this issue we find out that there's two Lobos running around the galaxy. Don't be fooled by the cover as while we may be seeing the Main man himself in the cover, the interiors feature the "other" Lobo, the one that looks very, very emo-ish and the one that got bashed alot the moment DC decided to hype up the release.

Can't blame them though. Although I really did reserve judgment till the issue was released.

The approach of the LOBO one shot is to show readers how this Lobo operates, how he sees things and how he reacts to specific situations. Writer Marguerite Bennett plays those bits rather well. Move past the fact that this is supposed to be the 'real' Lobo.

If there's anything this new Lobo shows that's different is that he's devoid of compassion and remorseless in a bad kind of way. The old school Lobo was all of that and more but he showed kindness once in awhile; and I do mean once in a while. This one's just as cold as ice. Think of the film "The Transporter" except that Jason Statham placed Shu Qi back into the trunk of the car rather than letting her go pee.

And it's this kind of thing that kinda makes you not warm up to the guy. Sure he looks cool as hell (not digging the Twilight comparison, although I admit he does look like a child of a Goth dad and an emo mom.)Lobo was fun in a controlled violence kind of way and it's really not here with the New 52 version. What I'm seriously waiting for however is the impending meeting between the 'real' Lobo and the 'fake' Lobo on Earth. 

Oh and on a final note, if your looking for any ties for Forever Evil, there's none actually. DC just used the 'absence' of the Justice League as a time to explore other characters. That's really all there is to it. 

I'm still giving props to Marguerite Bennett and Ben Oliver for a surprising good issue they churned out but I still need more New 52 Lobo appearances to pass judgment because this alone cannot cut it. 


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