Saturday, September 7, 2013


It's a match we've all been waiting for SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN (Otto Octavius) squares off against SPIDER-MAN 2099 in Superior Spider-Man # 17 by Dan Slott and Ryan Stegman.

So what basically happens is that Miguel O'Hara (Spider-Man 2099) saves the day in Alchemax airspace after some topsy turvy time displacement occurs.

He traces the source of all the trouble from inside the Alchemax tower where his 'father' Tyler Stone is slowly vanishing from the timestream. Once Miguel's 'dad' disappears so does he.

In the present, Peter Parker is playing with the rest of the Horizon Labs for the annual Softball match. Max Modell is arrested for a dozen or so crimes he's apparently linked to including harboring fugitives like Morbius and the Lizard. We also get to meet the new major stockholders for Horizon. A familiar face in Spider-Man lore... Harry Osborn's former wife Liz Allen.

Oh and remember when I said "Tiberius Stone was insignificant"? Well I was so wrong... The guy weaseled his way into getting Modell's job AND is revealed to be Miguel O' Hara's grandfather.

So Slotto decides to give Stone a piece of his mind and follows them as the Superior Spider-Man. Back in the lab, the gang tries to use Grady's time machine to go back in time and get sufficient evidence to prove that Stone was behind some of the biggest disasters for the company. While operating the time machine, this occurs:

Back in the outside world, Spider-Man catches up with the AlChem(ax) team and is about to lay down the hurt to Stone when the future Spider-Man bursts into the scene.

Somethings I noticed. Normie knows something is wrong with Spider-Man...

Maybe the first piece of Peter's return will start when the Osborn's make their appearance on SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN. Anyway here's to hoping that there's some good pay off at the end of this arc as opposed to simply doing fanservice.

SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN # 17 is out now.

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