Oh by the way this was written by Brian Michael Bendis with art by Stuart Immonen.
1. Alison Blaire aka Dazzler becomes the President of the United States in the future
2. She was even backed by the future X-Men
Which is very cool and very un-X-Men like especially since they're NOT into that kind of politics.
3. Meet the Future X-Men
So who do we have:
- a Nick Fury-esque Daisy Johnson (or Maria Hill)
- Vision
- a wheelchaired Captain America
- a woman who looks like Storm
- moustachio Colossus
- Kate Pryde
- Charles Xavier's grandson
- IceMan (or is it IceMage)
- Xorn Jean
- Beast
- A guy who looks like Daimon Helstrom
- Molly Hayes
- Quintin Quire as the Phoenix
- someone who looks like Peter Wisdom
- A new Sorcerer Supreme who also looks like Cloak
- an old Tempus
- Iron Man/ Iron lad
- Jubilee who now goes by Wolverine
- Kubark aka Kid Gladiator
4. President Dazzler dies
I can't help but remember "X-Men: The End" where Kitty Pryde wins the elections and becomes the POTUS or was that a U.S. Senator??? Anyway at least Kitty didn't bite the bullet in that story. Still there was a massive bodycount in the first act. And there was no hellfire involved.
5. after the assassination, there's also a demonic invasion in front of the White House...
That does not look pretty
6. Then we meet the surviving X-Men
Or rather Magik, O5 Beast and O5 Iceman meet the future X-Men.
7. Why is Moustachio Colossus carrying Magik's soulsword?
Apparently before Magik "disappeared" she gave her older brother that badass soulsword. Oh and it's pretty nice to see the brother and sister actually look happy to see each other. They haven't been friendly with each other ever since AVX and AVX Consequences.
8. Hank McCoy 'snaps'
After years of death and hatred, future Hank McCoy finally calls it quits with Xavier's dream and decides that it's time to take matters into his own hands (again). There's also a poignant and quiet moment in this part of the issue where Colossus and Iceman just look at a very depressed Beast at ground zero...
9. I love the new Jean Grey School in the future
Can I enroll? Because I really want to enroll in a school with a building that looks like a Shiar battleship docked in the school grounds.
10. The future X-Men vote either to stay in the future or fight McCoy's wayward X-Men?
Guess it looks like 'Wolverine' got outvoted.
I love that they managed to squeeze in this much backstory in a single issue. I keep saying that X-Men: Battle of the Atom is a very underrated story and this issue proves my point. The pacing is still good and though people might be confused, the loyal X-Fan would just appreciate everything that's been poured into this issue.
Even better is the fact that it whet's our appetite for all things coming from this future. What confuses me however is how far in the future this is. And where is Marvel's mutant poster boy Wolverine in all this. In fact, where the hell is baby Shogo, you know, Jubilee's 'son'.
Argh. So many questions, too little pages. Please churn out more stuff for BotA. Oh and I know it's too late Marvel but could you exclude Brian Wood's X-Men from all this? Thanks.
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