Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Quick review for DC Comics' FOREVER EVIL: ROGUES REBELLION # 1 by Brian Buccellato, Patrick Zircher and Scott Hepburn.

There's a nice premise hidden in this little gem of a book. Never mind that it's the New 52 version of the Flash's Rogues, there's still some hardcore Rogues action here in the book written by Flash-man Brian Buccellato together with switching art team of Patrick Zircher and Scott Hepburn.

Captain Cold returns to Central City to find it in ruins in the wake of the events of the Gorilla Grodd issue of Flash for 'Villains Month'. Snart together with his gang of miscreants venture towards the hospital in the hopes of checking on Snart's sister and then more bad guys arrive and a fight ensues. The issue also ends with a hook with the Rogues having the need to deal with these guys from the Crime Syndicate.

Story and dialogue seems serviceable enough thanks to the plotting of Buccellato. I'm good with that but the art for this issue is what's truly polarizing. When you pop open the page, you see this gorgeous recreation of that infamous scene from FOREVER EVIL with the Crime Syndicate handing important trophies from the fallen Justice League teams. Zircher's work is always top notch. This guy's been on my radar ever since I saw his interior art for "Secret Avengers" years back.

A couple pages later and I'm kind of dissuaded due to the really cartoony artwork provide by Hepburn. It's nice and cutesy but it fails in the sense that you've been handed something from Zircher and the art styles suddenly change. It's confusing and a bit sad.

hey and look, they even brought in Plastique which was last scene in TRINITY WAR Chapter 1.

While FOREVER EVIL: ROGUES REBELLION # 1 might have flaws, I was still entertained by this. Hopefully the succeeding issues really shine as opposed to just glowing, which this issue did.


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