Saturday, February 11, 2012

An Open Letter to Nicolas Cage Written in Behalf of Ghost Rider Creator

A fan of Ghost Rider creator Gary Friedrich has written an open letter to Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance star Nicolas Cage in behalf of the artist.

This could be a wordy entry but the gist of things is that Mr. Friedrich wanted to get royalties from Marvel Comics who is set to make a killing next week with the release of the sequel starring Cage and Idris Elba. A lawsuit was filed which was trumped by a counter-lawsuit from Marvel/Disney's "suits". 

The result is that Marvel one-upped Mr. Friedrich from getting royalties plus denying him the chance to be recognized as the creator which is a big thing (see Captain America - Jack Kirby and Joe Simon). 

Not only that, but the Disney/ Marvel suits discovered that the Friedrich was selling original prints on US Conventions. With that discovery, Marvel did a little hand-wringing in order to make it so Friedrich owe a total of $17,000. Mr. Friedrich is already a senior citizen with art as his only way of living. 

Marvel did not end there as they are already asking for the money upfront and ASAP. 

Fast forward now and  we get a very active reader who writes an open letter to Cage.

Dear Nicolas Cage,

I have read that you are very dedicated to making Ghost Rider II a success, so much so that you have taken a hefty pay cut in order to get this film made. Unfortunately Marvel Enterprises has won a settlement of $17,000 from artist Gary Friedrich (I am sure you know Mr. Friedrich is one of the creators of the Ghost Rider character).

Marvel winning a lawsuit against a financially destitute and unemployed senior citizen who helped create the iconic character that is the subject of the movie you care so deeply about has created a distinct antipathy toward your project.The negative effect Marvel’s lawsuit has caused is perhaps far greater than you know. Facebook and Twitter are aflame with negative comments, petitions and people urging others not to see your film solely because of Marvel’s treatment of Mr. Friedrich. You stand to lose millions because of the public relations disaster Marvel has caused.

Mr. Cage I know how you can personally overcome this PR nightmare, save your movie and make yourself a true hero in the eyes of the comics and movie-going public. Do you want that and more positive publicity than you have ever had? All it would take for you to be a true hero to millions of people is $17,000. That’s less than the price of a car. Give $17,000 to Mr. Friedrich so that he can pay Marvel. Save your movie by saving Mr. Friedrich. My best regards to you Mr. Cage. I hope to see you at the movies.

Karalyn Johnson

So what are you fanboys waiting for? Go let him know our same sentiments - @cage_nicolas

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