Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Teen Titans # 6 Spoilers - Kid Flash Gets a New Costume

Kid Flash takes center stage in last week's issue of Teen Titans (Teen Titans # 6) written by Scott Lobdell with art by Bret Booth.

The new issue also features a special participation of another "former" Teen Titan in the form of Virgil Hawkings.

So after being beaten and and disposed by Superboy who will be clashing against N.O.W.H.E.R.E., the Titans who are not yet fully formed get a bit of flack from the local authorities after thrashing New York's Times Square.

The crew almost gets arrested until Skitter (the bug woman teammate) appears on the scene and provides the perfect distraction for the team. 

This issue features a great moment between the fledgling team members... So what about Bart Allen aka Kid Flash? The young speedster however got the short end of the stick when the DCnU Superboy decided that these teenagers needed to get their butts kicked. 

Superboy apparently shorted out the young speedsters powers making him go all "out-of-synch" with his powers and causing him to continually vibrate using the speed force (no dirty jokes please). 

Still find it cool that DC was making a statement that the things that Tim Drake experienced as well as the many costume changes and modifications while being Robin did actually occur. 

While the team goes for help in STAR Labs to meet Static Shock, the person who seems to be Detective Lure is showing us a little bit about what she knows about Kid Flash. heck she uses the strange interlac language that we've seen in different New 52 books like Voodoo, Grifter, Green Lantern and even Superman.

Nice costume for Kid Flash by the way. I do hope we get to see more of this in the future; oh and please change the look because both him and Bunker look the same. 

While getting treated by Virgil and Tim, Bunker and Wonder Girl gets the fight of their life when they face off against Grimm; a teenager who hijacks the minds of weak-willed people and use them for his dirty deeds. We find out through his standard super-villain rant that this was done to him and that this new villain of the day was basically suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder coupled with survivor's guilt and a ton of other issues. 

Bunker manages to beat the crap out of this guy and that's the end of that. Meanwhile, in another part of the lab, Virgil completes the costume...

and lets Kid Flash wear it.... 

I love how the issue ended with Red Robin telling his new team that they are now to prepare for war not just for a rematch against Superboy but also battle N.O.W.H.E.R.E.

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