Thursday, December 6, 2012

Comparing Notes between Thor The Dark World and Tron Posters

The new teaser poster for "Thor: The Dark World" has suddenly appeared on the interwebs. This is what it looks like: 

It got me thinking "Where have I seen this before?"

And the I realized just where the heck I've seen this approach; it's from another Disney movie entitled "Tron" and subsequently "Tron Legacy"...

Nothing against the guy who did this but i sincerely hope that this is more a homage and tribute to Tron rather than a knockoff. Also it does make some sense to use this approach for the poster design since we're talking about a "dark world" afterwards. 

Thor: The Dark World will be released next year (2013) and stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Anthony Hopkins, Kat Dennings

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