Monday, January 21, 2013

And Here's the New Robocop in His Battle Mode Plus the New ED-209

Leave it to Hollywood to make for some weird changes to a classic and fully working concept such as what they did to the new Robocop.

Rumor still has it that the new Robocop which is played by Joel Kinnaman will using a very unique armor so different from the armor used by Peter Weller. This is because (and I'm loosely basing it on the leaked script) the Kinnaman Robocop will have the ability to transform or rather upgrade to the more powerful 'combat mode'. 

Of course we haven't seen that suit yet although the official or normal costume has already been out since last year...

But worry not, here's a rather unofficial and unconfirmed look at Robocop's 'Combat Armor'...

So yeah, it's kinda blurry and hazy and still unconfirmed but going back to the subject, I'm still on the fence. It does feel like the studio is doing everything to make it appealing the current generation. It's like they've patched up elements from 'The Dark Knight" together with bits of "Iron Man" and then Halo Reach for some good measure. 

And we're not even on the subject of Robocop's main/ final boss, the classic ED-209 Enforcement Droid...

Lets all say goodbye to this classic look...
The 2014 reboot will show a completely different ED-209 which now looks more humanoid rather than the bipedal beast we've all grown up with...

The new ED-209

See where I'm going. If Robocop looks like Iron Man, then you can be sure that his nemesis will look like a souped up, Halo-ed up Iron Monger. 

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