Sunday, January 27, 2013

Avengers # 3 Spoilers

In this week's Avengers # 3 we learn five valuable things in Jonathan Hickman's run on the book.

 Let me indulge you on what they are after the cut.

1. This roster has the most number of heavy hitters.

I'm counting four true 'heavy hitters' in this team including the two heavy hitters from the core group. Here's a rundown:

  • Hulk 
  • Thor
  • Hyperion
  • Smasher
  • Captain Universe
2. Shang-Chi is not just the replacement for Iron Fist...

The guy can totally hold his own against bigger foes such as Ex Nihilo's Aleph machine...


Avengers # 3 by Jonathan Hickman and Jerome OpeƱa made me realize that I want to see a full issue of a fight between Hulk and the Superman-esque Hyperion

4. Do Not Mess with Captain Universe

That wasn't a request but a warning. We're still in the dark as to how Tony Stark and Steve Rogers managed to get the new bearer of the Captain Universe power but we can all be thankful that she's with the Avengers. 

5. Confusing ending

The final panel for Avengers # 3 denotes that the idea for Avengers World was started by two people. One who is the personification of life and the other of death...

I sense a foreshadowing/ Chekov's gun somewhere here in this panel. It might not be right now but I'm pretty sure this will be referenced somewhere down the line. 

Finally I'd like to comment on the Avengers World chart that's slowly being completed as the series progresses...

I finally gave up understanding the circles and the patterns and what they mean. I'll just wait for it to make sense. Hickman is known for making sense with his diagrams as the story moves on. 

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