Sunday, January 13, 2013

Earth 2 # 8 Spoilers - Meet Fury

Wonder Woman did not just leave a heroic legacy in DC Comics' Earth 2. She actually left behind her daughter who was later raised by the maniacal Steppenwolf as his ward. That's all revealed in Earth 2 # 8 by James Robinson and Yildiray Cinar.

Here's a variant cover for the same issue...

Now we go to the main event...

In this issue we find out that Steppenwolf has been hanging out somewhere in Europe. He's actually been working side by side with King Marov of fictional Dherain. After some bits of talking between the two, Steppenwolf makes a move via the appearance of his assassin, Fury.


So yeah, apparently in this reality, Fury is actually the daughter of Wonder Woman. It looks like 'Wolf took the baby from her mother and raised her or rather indoctrinated her on the ways of Apokolips.

She proceeds to kick the snot out of the Dherain army while Steppenwolf does his thing with King Marov; who also happens to have a trick up his sleeve.


Anyway, Steppenwolf manages to kill Marov and joins Fury at the battlefield.


Oh and the guy declares himself king of Dherain, which also happens to have tensions with the United Nations at the moment. 

Earth 2 # 8 is currently out. Get it from your LCS:


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