Sunday, January 13, 2013

Here's a DMC Primer Before the Devil May Cry Release

Lets celebrate the upcoming release this month of DMC (Devil May Cry) from Capcom with a quick primer for the game; re-introducing Dante and his arsenal.

About DMC:   Devil May Cry brand new tears -- DmC reinvents Capcom's classic action franchise to explore new frontiers with the series. The "Devil May Cry DNA" of stylish action, rewarding combat and a brash, smart-talking protagonist all remains; however, it has now injected with a dark and brutal gameplay that promises to redefine the franchise.

The Dante of DmC is a young man who has no respect for authority or society in general. Dante knows that he is not human, but also that he is not like the demons that have tormented him throughout his life. Caught between worlds, he feels like an outcast. He is now discovering and coming to terms with what it means to be the child of a demon and an angel. This split personality has a real impact on gameplay with Dante being able to call upon angel and demon abilities at will, transforming his Rebellion sword on the fly to dramatically affect both combat and movement.


DmC’s Dante is a young man who has no respect for authority or indeed society in general. Dante knows that he is not human, but also that he is not like the demons that have tormented him throughout his life. Caught between worlds, he feels like an outcast.

Dante grew up in various institutions, orphanages, youth correction facilities and foster homes but these were mostly operated by demons and often resulted in torture and violence. Dante has therefore developed a deep hatred of demons and authority in general but tries to stay incognito. He sides with the little guy, the victims of what he sees as an unfair society.

Ebony and Ivory, Rebellion

In Game
The Rebellion sword was given to Dante by his father Sparda as a weapon with which he could protect himself against the demons that hunt him. How Dante came in to possession of Ebony and Ivory or where they come from is unknown.

Design Ethos
The design philosophy behind both Rebellion and Ebony & Ivory is to create the impression that they were crafted a long, long time ago and since their creation they have sent innumerable demons to their doom.

Ebony & Ivory have straight, clean looking barrels that make them look like contemporary firearms, while the addition of ornate embossing is used to give the guns a feeling of mystique and uniqueness. As you move into the grip you can see that the guns have a more fluid, liquid-like look that adds further mystery and a demonic flavor to their design.

Rebellion is designed to look like a powerful sword, with the detailing in the handle giving it a feeling of historical significance coupled with a demonic heritage. The same design ethos that was used for the Ebony & Ivory grips is also true for Rebellion’s hilt, making the weapons match stylistically.

Check out the other action scenes for this game which is slated for a release on January 15, 2013. 

(Just click on the thumbnails to enlarge)






Via [Capcom Unity]

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