Thursday, May 9, 2013

Leinil Yu, Gerry Alanguilan Step Up for Hickman's Avengers

Looks like our Pinoy heroes Leinil Yu and Gerry Alanguilan are stepping up to the bat once more for the Avengers tie-in issues of the Jonathan Hickman penned Infinity.

"The last time the Avengers faced an widescale extraterrestrial threat against Earth came when the shape-shifting Skrulls launched a Secret Invasion that nearly succeeded," the publisher's official text reads. "Now, as Earth's Mightiest Heroes journey out into the universe in hopes of thwarting another cosmic catastrophe, they must rely on their new allies...the Skrulls?"

So yeah, the Skrulls are working together with the Avengers. But if you read all the books that out post Secret Invasion you'd find out that not all the remaining Skrulls wanted to invade Earth. To the non-invading Skrull populace, the Secret Invasion was actually just a jihad done by zealots and religious nuts who followed Veranke. There were still a lot who didn't give a shit; after all they were reeling from the Annihilation wave.

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