Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Star Trek Into Darkness Non-Spoiler Review

I've seen JJ Abrams' follow-up to his rebooted Star Trek movie entitled "Star Trek Into Darkness" courtesy of Solar Entertainment. Is it a victim to the 'sequel curse' or does it stand in line proudly with the pedigree of the first movie?

Let me just get out of my system that initially I didn't have any respect for Benedict Cumberbatch. That statement alone will probably earn me some flak from the British actor's fangirls (there's a lot actually, the screening I attended alone had lots of young to teen-ish girls lining up to see Kh err, John Harrison).  Yes, now stick around and find out what I think of him after cut. 

The Good:

- Star Trek Into Darkness works really well with the IMAX. For some unknown reason I didn't heave at some of the more visually heavy scenes. Viewing it on the IMAX was actually smooth. Same thing goes for the 3D used in this motion picture. 

- Abrams once again managed to give equal time to shine for the two main characters Captain Kirk (played by Chris Pine) and Mr. Spock played by Zachary Quinto. It's a nice touch to make the story literally have one guy sit one out while the other plays hero. Here's more to this dynamic although I do have some gripes on this bullet point, but that's for later. 

- Benedict Cumberbatch didn't sell the movie to me initially but seeing him just go silent madman during the film's first half and then become a sort-of ally then the full blown enemy was a nice way of telling me to like him as an actor. Plus if you're a fan of Cumberbatch seeing him just blow up 'stuff' wearing a mask plus some BFG (Big ****ing Gun) is just too glorious to not like.

-The movie is just filled with visual and dialogue easter eggs once in awhile. Sadly not every moviegoer gets to enjoy it as the references and hints encompass all the various Star Trek series from yester year. Keep your eyes peeled for the biggest Star Trek reference (which you'll probably geek out to) and a classic cameo appearance as well.

- Chris Pine's acting here has improved tremendously here. Whereas the first movie was a bit of an awkwardly fitting shirt for the actor, Into Darkness is him wearing said shirt like a rockstar. Or maybe that whole awkwardness as a shirt analogy is really part of how he was written. I take it back he was good in the first movie as Captain Kirk and he was certainly better here in the sequel. 

- Quinto's role as Spock also goes through an evolution; and its one that'll go through a cathartic effect as we get to loathe him, then start liking him and then finally cheer for him when the end finally arrives. 

- Massive props for the dialogues and actions of other characters like Bones (Karl Urban) and Chekhov (Anton Yelchin) who. 

- Alice Eve as Carol Marcus wasn't such a great addition but she did this: 

... and thus I shut my mouth. 

- JJ Abrams definitely used the technology at hand to deliver this great story about revenge and redemption. Plus seeing the Enterprise going down after a fight with it's Dreadnaught class big brother is just plain geekery.

- Storywise I actually like the idea of having a 'grey' kind of motiff for the story. From Harrison's point of view he was merely doing what was expected of him ... for Captain Kirk and the rest of the crew of the Enterprise they are doing the same but one of the two had killed people already just to be able to enact his/their plan. 

- Threading on spoiler territory here but the whole reversal of fate was a good call by JJ Abrams. I'm seriously tempted to put spoilers here but no. So just watch Star Trek: Into Darkness already and see what I'm hinting at.


- For a movie that's saying that everything's in chaos, we don't get to see CHAOS. Maybe its part of the plot point, but we don't get to see the effects of what John Harrison has been doing. 

- The Klingons' appearance was very short which was sad because the Romulans from the last movie had a lot of screentime. 

- Some plotholes can be noticed; plus there's also the predictability of how things are going to be; again revolving around Cumberbatch's John Harrison. 

Verdict: 9.5/10

Star Trek: Into Darkness is not a perfect movie but had a few more tweaks been made, it would have been. For a sci-fi film, the effects were eye-popping and the balance between nerd stuff together with humor and drama was also perfectly formulated. Finally for closing remarks, Benedict Cumberbatch as John Harrison has made me a fan. Now get going and watch Star Trek Into Darkness as its already showing and let me watch Sherlock in peace.

Special thanks to Solar-UIP for the invite.

1 comment:

  1. loved him as Sherlock heheheh can't wait to see this bro :) thanks!
