Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wolverine and the X-Men # 29 Spoilers - So Many Future Story Arc Teasers

This week's WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN # 29 just gave X-Fans hints of what's to come while at the same time nullifying (or cementing) certain events shown in the series. Onwards with the spoilers then.

Oh and spoiler alert.

Chronologically, we first encounter Logan, Beast and Storm storming Dog Logan's old cabin where they find a few valuables plus a locked steel box that neither Logan nor Hank can open. Later Logan is seen doing a pretty decent speech in front of the original class of JGSHL as they are about to do a little Time Capsule burying session.

The time capsule is set to open 25 years into the future and it does that; which is where we meet the older version of Headmaster Logan and a thriving Jean Grey School for Higher Learning...

So let's see. They have a fricking Sentinel as a student in the school plus portraits of slightly older X-Men like  Kitty Pryde, Iceman and Martha. It also looks like the school has managed to open other campuses including:

  • Sea Francisco
  • New Beijing
  • and a colony built by Anole in the Blue Area of the Moon

Then there's also the sons and daughters of the X-Men such as:

  • Carmen Drake (Kitty and Bobby's child)
  • Warren Worthington IV (?)
  • Charlene Xavier (I'm assuming this is Legion's kid)
  • Rose Logan (Probably Wolverine's daughter)
  • Summer Grey (either Marvel Girl or Scott Summer's daughter).
  • Kubrick Quire
So anyway, Logan can't recall burying the box but sees is inclined to send his younger self some help. So he flies off to space where the X-Men have established a satellite station manned by Eye Boy (who now goes by Eye Man). 

Funny how they used a Sentinel head as their base of operations in space. 

Wait back off a little, did he just say that there's a new Thunderbird and Phoenix running around the world 25 years into the future? Krakoa Corps? Captain China? Church of Cyttorak? Shark Woman leading X-Force? Hellfire Unlimited? As a fan those are some interesting concepts I'd like to see.

It also seems like Logan's activities during Age of Ultron practically banned him from time travelling.

I swear every bit of dialogue from this issue is like a tease on what's coming soon for Wolverine and the X-Men. 

If you're too lazy to read, here's the breakdown and what I think it is:

  • Hellfire Academy's Siege - Pretty obvious that's what Kade Killgore intends to do with his new nefarious school.
  • Azazel and his Pirates - maybe Azazel returns with his sons and daughters no longer bound to their little dimension. Maybe their dimension bopping now. Seems legit since that's the obvious next step with their teleportation powers.
  • The Black Order - No idea.
  • The Butcheress Mondo - Mondo's back? Oh maybe this is a different Mondo. 
  • Sabretooth's Secret Plans
  • New Brotherhood - Both items could probably be the main conflict for X-Men: Battle of the Atom
  • The Apocalypse Crusade - Could mean that future scenario we saw in early issues of WATXM where Quire and his X-Men team try to fight off Genesis who ascends into becoming Apocalypse. 
  • Jean - wait? Is this the All New X-Men Jean or is the White Phoenix Jean returning?
We also see Eye Man in his future getup which looks pretty badass.

Logan sends his younger self the key for Dog's lockbox which actually contains paper boats. Meanwhile Idie  is seen abandoning the X-Men and joining the Hellfire Academy.

And as for Dog Logan? We see him killing his future self (from last issue) with Killgore and a new member of the Hellfire Academy looking on.

... and then officially joins the school.

Man these things look so cool. 

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