Monday, September 9, 2013

New Mega Forms for Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur for Pokemon X and Y

Not to be left outdated and uncool with the original starting three POKEMON, Nintendo has released new details regarding a surprise treat for fans of the original starting three POKEMON (that's Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur). 

So here's what they would look like in the new game:

Obviously some people hate the new look while others are praising it. I'm of the later mostly because it's both a tribute to the original three starting Pokemon and at the same time keeping up with the times. I totally dig the fiercer new look for Charizard but I could hardly understand why they would put additional wings on it's arms. Blastoise's new megaform is just plain awesome and Venusar again gets the short end of the stick.

These new evolutions will be available with the new 3DS game POKEMON X and POKEMON Y comes out. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the addition of forearm cannons to Blastoise, and I'm slowly warming up to the one shell cannon. I think the arm wings on Charizard look pretty dumb. I mean, what function do they serve? If they're true wings then they're probably not strong enough for defensive strategies, and if they're weapons then they just look totally unthreatening.
    The original Venusaur will always be my favorite. The new one reminds me of a stereotypical, overweight Hawaiian you'd see in a C-grade Adam Sandler movie. Boo.
