Monday, September 9, 2013

Bad Ass Ultron Minimate Fig Coming AGE OF ULTRON Minimates Box Set

OK let's all admit that AGE OF ULTRON was a huge disappointment and was just Marvel's greedy way of selling more books and releasing Angela on the 616 but they it also did create one of the most terrifying designs for the robotic villain ULTRON and now it's crossing over to the Marvel Minimates toy line.

Thank you ART ASYLUM and DIAMOND SELECT TOYS for making this figure see the light of day. It's even more impressive once you see how everything just snaps on the base figure. Check out the design sheet for this nifty figure.

Then there's also that equally badass ANGELA minimate figure which would probably make her creator Neil Gaiman very, very happy.

Oh and they also have grizzled Nick Fury (who was never de-aged because there was no Nick Fury Jr. running around).

And to round up the set, oh goody, another Iron Man/ Tony Stark figure (like we really need another one).

And here's a group shot for the set which will be coming out next year...

And if you're looking for a Wolverine figure, you should be happy to note that they will have one based on the Canuck's appearance in AOU. However, the sad part is that it will be an exclusive for Toys R Us. And it'll come with the army builder which happens to be the gold Ultron drone.

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